
I miss rugby....


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

hmm... okay. My friend said I got this kinda disorder. When she saw my study table pics posted on fb. So I went to search about OCD on google and read a few article regarding this disorder. Hmm...... disorder..hahahaha...


As Clear as water

It's seems like yesterday.
Where's everything seems so clear and fresh.
Where I sit alone and look back,
It's just like watching a movie backward in HD.
It's as clear as the water,
Where I still can look clearly and deep down inside,
Where I still can feel deep down inside my heart that made of flesh.
Memories that I can't forget
even I try to forget.
Tears falls as I look back,
Smiles and joyful laugh comes out as I look back,
Too many, too many precious memories that only my heart can keep it for long.
And shall follow me now and forever.
: )



前几天到诊所验血,由于咳嗽了有一个多月还未痊愈,医生说还是验血来看看到底什么问题。还要照x-ray 来看看我的肺。被咳嗽纠缠了一个多月,体能也渐渐衰退。论速度,体力完全都不如当初。老实说,2011年,算是我在UPM RUGBY 最顶间的状态。 几乎每场都在第一阵线,当然有时还会被遗忘。哈哈哈!没关系。但,我还是有那么一点的本事代表Putrajaya, 进入National 7's。
验血报告和x-ray证实了我受到细菌感染。教练得知后,便叫我休息。也叫我打消二月去Bangkok 比赛的念头。内心,难免有点难过。难道,真的要停下吗?我曾经放下Rugby。一放,我就放下所有,要开始又要从零开始。今天到了这level,我是付出多么大的努力。