
Getting Closer...

It's been a while that I totally forget about You.
A sleepless night reminds me of how far am I from You now.
I'm glad and thankful for Your grace and mercy. And all the blessing in my life.
Thanks for always be there for me. Though I always put You the 2nd instead of 1st.
Thank you for everything. And right now I wish I can get close to You again like how I use to be.
: )


.....When there's Nothing To lose anymore....

One week hell of a centralize training for UPM Rugby Team just ended. Glad it's just a light training for everyone. Not so working hard on fitness and strength. Enjoy being with the team mates and everybody. Hangout, have sisha, mamak, eat together, crack jokes, checking out girls....
End of the training, I realize now I got nothing to lose. I have to do whatever it takes to gain a place and a position in team. I need to played.
When there's nothing to lose anymore, then you realize you have to win no matter what...


结束,笑一个 : )

Intercollege Rugby 15's 正式结束。遗憾,无法在带领KMR进入八强。身为对长,难免会有点自责,身为球员,因为无法突破自己的极限感到无奈。看到自己无法拿出100%更感到难过。看着输了一场又一场的球赛,心里更加的痛。错过,就是错过无法在挽回。当初,在占多大的优势也好那时间一过,什么都化为乌有。最终,本人还是笑着接受了这场比赛的结束。在未来,如果还有机会,相信你们会变得更强。